What is this place?

A living museum of culture and history? A playground for the rich and the famous? An artistic paradise? An overcrowded tourist trap? Nothing more than a forgotten fantasy sinking into the depths of time? Or, perhaps a timeless fairy tale?

Whatever your experience, one thing is for sure, there is no other place in the world quite like it.

As you enter the mouth of the Grand Canal, a truly magnificent sight unfolds before your eyes. Seemingly endless rows of ornately decorated Palazzos rising from the water, line the immense waterway.

The Grand Canal, weaves through the majestic city of Venice, branching off into a maze of small canals and narrow alleys that slice through a city like no other.


Venice will instantly capture you and hold you in its dreamlike haze forever. A place filled with real mystery and real magic.

You cannot help but feel enchanted, as though lost in a fairy tale. A kid at Disneyland, no – Venetianland!

But this place is no fairy tale, this is a real place shaped by the many diverse cultures who had an influence on this city throughout its long, and bloody history.

Built entirely on the water and standing proudly on giant stilts hammered into the ground centuries ago, defying convention and nature itself, a marvel of engineering, exemplifying its place in history as one of the most important trading hubs in the Mediterranean.

There are no cars, only boats. Streets are canals. Dropping your suitcase in the water is a real and highly probable eventuality (this fate befell one of us as we disembarked the water taxi at the train station jetty).

Venice wasn’t built to be a playground for rich tourists, it just became one due to the unique characteristics that made it what it is today. Heavy tourism, overcrowding and pollution are a problem and most people don’t live in the city but only work there. But the merchants have adapted, as they always do.

The palazzos are mostly luxury getaway spots for those that can afford to enjoy such a fantasy. The banning of cruise ships – a dreadful eyesore that only ruined the vibe and eroded the city, which is slowly sinking as it is – is a welcome change indeed. Personally, I say good riddance!

Yet despite its many problems, the magic and wonder of this mystical city has not been lost. The whole city is a museum, a work of art in itself, every building it’s own exhibit – The Peggy Guggenheim house is full of mystical works.

The local food is more than decent, and can even be quite delicious if you avoid the tourist traps.

The architecture is absolutely astounding when you avoid the crowds.

It’s not a matter of if, but when you will get lost through the streets of Venice. Just accept it and marvel in the rich history and beauty of this Italian city. Simply getting lost exploring the beautifully complex maze of narrow streets and long canals can be an seemingly unforgettable experience.

There is a reason why so many artists came here to create while others came here to be entombed with this city forever. Venice can offer endless inspiration for those who seek it – an artist’s dream – the perfect atmosphere for the arts to flourish.

Rio dell Angelo, by John Singer Sargent, (1902)

All in all Venice is a magical city, full of dark secrets and mysterious shadows from the past. As you move through the labyrinth of winding alleys and long canals you are sure to get lost in a timeless place.

Yes, it is true that Venice spends much more to support and encourage the tourism industry than it does on infrastructure, restoration, or the well-being of it’s own citizens and, yes, it is overcrowded, overpriced and over saturated with cliches.

But the chance to have a priceless experience in a place like no other, is well worth the price of admission.

See you there!